What, Where, How and When? Class 6 History NCERT Chapter 1

Key Features of NCERT Material for Class 6 History Chapter 1 –  What, Where, How and When?

In chapter 1 of NCERT History Class 6 Book, we will understand the ways through which we can study our past as the chapter explains that by witnessing places, dates, books, one can obtain a great deal of knowledge about the history and the lifestyle of the people in ancient times.

Further In chapter 2 of NCERT History Class 6 Book: From Hunting-Gathering to growing we will get to know more about gathering, hunting, farming, and herding.

Quick revision notes

Individuals have lived along the banks of streams for a few hundred thousand years. The earliest individuals situated in these areas were gifted finders, that is, the individuals who assembled food.

The Sulaiman and Kirthae Hills toward the North-West a portion of the regions where ladies and men initially started to develop harvests, for example, wheat and grain around 8000 years back.

Individuals likewise started raising creatures like sheep, goats, and steers and began living in towns.

The spots where rice was first developed were arranged in the North Vindhyas.

People moved looking for employment, and to escape from natural calamities like floods or dry seasons. Some of the time, men walked in armed forces, vanquishing other’s territories.

Individuals have shared better approaches for cutting stones, making music, and in any event, preparing food, over more than a few several years.

The composition of Manuscripts was normally on palm leaves or on the uncommon bark of a tree known as the birch, which develops in the Himalayas.

Inscriptions are compositions on moderately hard surfaces, for example, stone or metal.

Archaeologists study the remaining parts of structures made of stones and blocks, artworks and figures. They likewise investigate and unearth to discover devices, weapons, pots, dishes, decorations and coins.

They additionally search for the bones of creatures, birds, and fishes to discover what individuals ate previously.

All dates before the introduction of christ should be tallied in reverse and normally have the letters BC or BCE (Before Christ) included.

For several thousands of years, individuals have lived on the banks of the Narmada. The earliest of them were talented finders—individuals who assembled their food.

Close to the Sulaiman and Kirthar slopes in present-day Pakistan, crops like wheat and grain were first grown 8000 years back. Individuals likewise started raising creatures like sheep, goat, and dairy cattle. They lived in towns. Rice was first developed in the north of the Vindhyas.

The created of Agriculture happened to the Garo slopes and around the Vindhyas.

Some of the most primitive cities thrived around 4700 years before on the banks of the Indus and its tributaries. There were cities created on the banks of the Ganga.

Individuals started exploring from one spot then onto the next and communicating with one another, subsequently sharing thoughts. This has advanced our culture.

Old books, called original Manuscripts, were normally composed on palm leaf or the bark of the birch outing. They are useful in uncovering our past.

Archaeologists have likewise discovered inscriptions, which are an engraved type of composing on hard surfaces, for example, stone or metal. Their utilization was for different purposes.

The individuals who study the utilization and formation of objects from the past called archaeologists. They investigate and unearth to discover old articles. They likewise search for bones of living creatures to discover what individuals ate.

The individuals who study the past are known as historians. They search for data found from their sources which are manuscripts and inscriptions

Names of the land 

India and Bharat are the two our used for our country.

The word India originates from the Indus, called Sindhu in Sanskrit. The Iranians and the Greeks who came through the northwest around 2500 years back considered it the Hindos or the Indos, and India was the land towards the east of the river stream.

The name Bharata was utilized for a group of individuals who lived in the northwest, and who have a reference in the Rigveda, the earliest composition in Sanskrit (dated to around 3500 years back). Later it was utilized for the nation.

What do dates actually mean? 

The years are counted from the date to the introduction of Jesus Christ, the creator of Christianity. All dates before the introduction of Christ should be tallied in reverse and typically have the letters BC (Before Christ) included.

In this class, we will allude to dates going back from the present, utilizing 2000 as our beginning stage. 2000 means 2000 years after the introduction of Christ.


They are the people who study the items made and utilized in the past


It is the way toward burrowing under the outside of the earth so as to discover old items.


Historians are the Intellectuals who study the pas.


These are works on hard surfaces like stone or metal.


Manuscripts are the hand composition of books in the past on palm leaf or barks of trees.

Talented Gatherers:

The individuals who assembled their food. They have lived on the banks of the Narmada for a few hundred thousand years.


Smaller waterways that stream into a bigger stream are its tributaries.

8000 years prior :

start of agriculture.

4700 years prior :

the primitive cities.

2500 years back :

the Magadha Kingdom

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