Motion and Measurement of Distances:Motion and Measurement of Distances Class 6 Science NCERT Chapter 10

Key Features of NCERT Material for Class 6 Science Chapter 10 –  Motion and Measurement of Distances

In the previous chapter 9: The living organisms and their surroundings you have studied about the habitats and surroundings of living organisms.In this chapter 10: Motion and measurement of distances you will study about type of motions and some measurements used in our daily life.

Quick revision notes


In antiquated time man used to move just by walking and convey merchandise either on his back or on the rear of certain creatures. 

An incredible change in the methods of transport was made: 

by the development of wheel. 

by the development of steam motor. 

Non-standard measures: The lengths of steps, arms, hands, or fingers of various individuals are unique, accordingly the separation estimated with their assistance isn’t generally solid. These strategies are, hence, called non-standard measures. 

Standard measures: Measures that are a similar everywhere throughout the world are known as standard measures. 

In October 1960, the twelfth general gathering on weight and measures embraced the International arrangement of units. “The System International Units” is the arrangement of units to keep up consistency everywhere throughout the world. 


It is the standard unit of length. The image of meter is m. 

Each meter (m) is separated into 100 equivalent divisions, called centimeter (cm). Every centimeter has ten equivalent divisions, called millimeter (mm). Subsequently 

1 m = 100 cm 

1 cm = 10 mm 

For estimating enormous distances, meter is definitely not an advantageous unit. We characterize a bigger unit of length. It is called kilometer (km). 

1 km = 1000 m. 

Simple multiples of units: Units that are utilized for the measurement of bigger distances are the multiples of SI unit. For instance: deca, hecto, kilo. 

1 decametre = 10 m 

1 hectometre = 100 m 

1 kilometer = 1000 m 

Sub-multiples of units: Units utilized for estimating littler distances are the sub-multiples of SI units. 

For instance, milli, centi, deci. 

1 m = 10 decimetre 

1 m = 100 centimeter 

1 m = 1000 millimeter. 

Making measurement of a length: In making measurement of length of an item, we ought to follow the accompanying methodology: 

Spot the scale in contact with the item along its length as appeared in Fig. 

Measurement with a scale with broken finishes 

  • Abstain from taking measurements from zero imprint. 
  • Utilize some other full sign of the scale, say 1.0 cm. 
  • Subtract the perusing of this imprint from the perusing at the opposite end. For instance, in Fig. 10.3 (6), the perusing at beginning imprint is 1.0 cm and at the opposite end it is 6.5 cm. Accordingly, the length of the article is (6.5 – 1.0) cm = 5.5 cm. 

The right position of the eye is additionally significant for making measurement. Your eye must be actually over where the measurement is to be taken as appeared in Fig. 10.4. Position ‘An’ is the right position of the eye. Note that from position A’, the perusing is 1.0 cm. From positions ‘B’ and ‘C’, the readings might be extraordinary. 

Least count:

A scale is set apart in centimeters and millimeters. With the sizes of this sort we can gauge effectively up to one millimeter, that is one-tenth of a centimeter. This is known as minimal check of a (15 cm) scale. 

Estimating the length of a bent line:

We can’t quantify the length of a bended line legitimately by using a meter scale. We can utilize a string or divider to gauge the length of a bended line. 


It is a condition of items where they are moving, that is, they are changing their place with the evolving time. 


All the fixed articles which are not in motion, that is, don’t change their place with time are supposed to be very still. 

Rectilinear motion:

When the articles change their position with time along a straight line, this sort of motion is called rectilinear motion. 

At the point when a body moves in a roundabout way, its motion is known as roundabout motion 

  • For instance: 
  • The motion of stone tied in a string and spun. 
  • The motion of a sharp edge of an electric fan. 
  • The motion of second’s hand in a clock. 
  • In round motion, the item stays at similar good ways from a fixed point. 

Rotational motion:

Motion in which an entire body moves about a hub is known as a rotational motion. Model: motion of a top. 

Periodic motion:

Motion in which an article rehashes its motion after a fixed time frame is called periodic motion. 


  • Oscillations of a pendulum. 
  • (Motion of a swing. 

Combination of two or more types of motions: In certain situations, the motion of an item might be a mix of at least two of the previously mentioned kinds of motion. 


  • Motion of a ball on the ground. Here, the ball is turning about a pivot yet the hub itself is moving along a straight line. In this way, the ball executes a rectilinear motion just as rotational motion. 
  • Motion of earth—earth executes turns on its pivot and furthermore rotates around the sun. 

Unit of measurements

It includes the correlation of an obscure amount with some known amount of a similar kind. This realized fixed amount is called a unit. 

The consequence of measurement is communicated in two sections. One section is a number; the other part is the unit of measurement. 

Roundabout motion:

When a body moves in a round way, its motion is known as roundabout motion. 


The measurement of a hole between two focuses in specific units is called separation. 


Measurement implies the correlation of an obscure amount with some known amount. 


It is a condition of items in w7hich they are moving that is, they are changing their place with time. 

Periodic motion:

Motion in which an item rehashes its motion after a fixed time frame is called periodic motion. 

Rectilinear motion:

When the articles change their position with time along a straight line, this kind of motion is called rectilinear motion. 

SI units:

In October, 1960 the twelfth general meeting on weight and measures received the International arrangement of units to look after consistency everywhere throughout the world. This arrangement of units is called SI units

Units of measurement:

Measurement implies the examination of an obscure amount with some known amount. This realized fixed amount is known as a unit of measurement.

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