Error correction in sentences: Class 12 NCERT English Grammer

This module has all the important types of questions that you require to ace this section. A sentence is the basic unit of language. A sentence is a gathering of words that have a syntax and convey a certain meaning. A complete knowledge of a sentence and its structure is necessary to recognize any error in the sentence and vice versa. We will cover such questions here in this section. There are many types of errors that can occur in a sentence. The Correct Sentences Practice Questions will attempt to cover the greater part of them, giving you a headstart against the competition. 

(Error correction in sentences: Class 12)

Sentence Correction Practice Questions 

Type I 

Directions: In each of the accompanying questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error. On the off chance that there is no mistake, the answer is “no error”. 

Q1: The road (a)/to famous monument (b)/passes through a forest (c)/No error (d). 

Q2: Our lodging society comprises of (a)/six blocks and (b)/33 flats in a (c)/area of about thousand square meters. (d)/No error (e). 

Q3: Now that she is living in her own flat, (a)/she cleans the windows, (b)/twice a week in the summer and once a week in the winter. (c)/No error (d). 

Q4: With little imagination and enterprise, (a)/the tournament could have been transformed (b)/into a major attraction (c)/No error (d). 

Q5: These display (a)/the (b)/remarkable variety. (c)/No error (d). [N.D.A.] 

Q6: If you have faith in Almighty (a)/everything will turn out (b)/to be all right. (c)/No error (d). 

Q7: According to the Bible (an)/it is meek and humble (b)/who shall inherit the earth. (c)/No error (d). 

Q8: I am not wealthy, (a)/so I can not afford (b)/to buy an expensive car. (c)/No error (d). 

Q9: Sunita opened an almirah (a)/loaded with books (b)/and took one of them (c)/for reading. (d)/No error (e). (B.S.R.B 1992) 

Q10: Most people would have (a)/attended the association meeting (b)/in the event that they had (c)/had longer notice of it. (d)/No error (e) 

Q11: My father is (a)/in bad mood (b0/today. (c) No error (d). 


(Error correction in sentences: Class 12)

Find Your Answers Here 

Q1: (b), Q2: (d), Q3: (c), Q4: 9a), Q5: (b), Q6: (a), Q7: (b), Q8: (c), Q9: (a), Q10: (d), Q11: (b). 

Type II 

Directions: The accompanying sentences may contain errors in grammar, usage, diction (choice of words) or idiom. No sentence contains more than one error. You will find that the error if there is none, is italicized and numbered. Assume that all other elements of the sentences are correct and cannot be changed. On the off chance that there is an error, select the italicized part that must be changed to make the sentence correct. The number of that italicized part is your answer. On the off chance that there is no mistake, the answer is “No error”. 

Q1: The brand recommendation presently therefore had to be (1)/that Keo Karpin Antiseptic Cream is more effective (2)/because it penetrates deep down (being light and non-sticky) and works from inside (3)/(because of its ayurvedic ingredients) to keep skin blemish, free and helps cope with cuts, nicks, burns and nappy rash. No error (4). [MBA] 

Q2: It is argued that if the income of capitalists is taxed sufficiently (1)/by putting a ceiling to (2)/the maximum income of capitalists and by introducing legislation for the welfare of laborers and by freezing prices, the aims of socialism will be realized (3)/No error (4). 

Q3: The average student, devoid of (1)/good accommodation or atmosphere for study at home, utilizes public libraries for (2)/a great advantage to himself (3)/No error (4). 

Q4: Whereas Gandhi appealed to (1)/the good sense of the human nature and searched after bringing out (2)/the kinder elements in the capitalists and other selfish individuals, Nehru believed in a legally regulated way of disciplining (3)/the selfish elements in society. No error (4). 

Find Your Answers Here 

Q1: (1), Q2: (2), Q3: (2), Q4: (2). 

Type III 

Directions: In each sentence below, four words/gatherings of words which are labeled (a), (b), (c), and (d) have been printed in bold type. One of which may be wrong. On the off chance that all the four are appropriate and also correctly spelt, mark ‘All correct’ as the answer. 

Q1: The exhistence (a)/and attributes (b)/of the colonial (c)/army were decisive (d)/to the outbreak of Civil War. All correct (e). 

Q2: The success of a man (a)/in business (b)/depends over (c)/his attention to small things (d)/All correct (e). 

Q3: No country (a)/can isolate (b)/itself from international (c)/politics (d)/All correct (e). 

Q4: He appears (a)/to be unreasonably (b)/anxious (c)/about settling his neighbor’s (d)/problem. All correct (e). 

Q5: A very important secret of (a)/the art of composing (b)/biographies (c)/is that the secondary characters must be deleneated (d)/with the same care as the central figure. All correct. (e) 

Q6: The peculiar (a)/dress he wears (b)/gave him a comical (c)/appearance (d)/All correct (e). 

Q7: If a country is to prosper, (a)/it must produce goods both for domestic (b)/consumption (c)/and for imports abroad (d)/All correct (e). 

Find Your Answers Here 

Q1: (a), Q2: (c), Q3: 9a), Q4: (d), Q5: (d), Q6: (b), Q7: (d).

(Error correction in sentences: Class 12)

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